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pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/4c/8b/85-katamino-rulebook.pdf
In Katamino the term PENTA refers to a group of Pentaminos which completely covers the space defined by the slider on the game board. For example, a PENTA 4 indicates a challenge for which the slider is placed between numbers 4 and 5 of the game board: 4 Pentaminos must be arranged together to cover the four lines of the game board.
3.00 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/c0/cc/74-katarenga-regle.pdf
Le Royaume perse vers l’an 300 av. J.-C. : deux puissantes armées s’affrontent à l’envi. L’objectif de ces deux armées est de conquérir les camps ennemis.
655.57 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/d8/7f/10-kayanak-aventure-sur-la-banquise-regle.pdf
Dans le froid intense de l’Arctique, les ours polaires s’affairent à leur occupation préférée : pêcher sur la banquise ! Chacun veut faire la meilleure prise, mais cela n’est pas si facile. Seul celui qui saura prévoir ses déplacements sur la glace, qui creusera son trou dans la glace au bon endroit et tiendra la canne à pêche adroitement pourra pêcher les poissons convoités.
2.83 Mo - In German 2.83 Mo - In English 2.83 Mo - In Spanish 2.83 Mo - In French 2.83 Mo - In Italian 2.83 Mo - In Dutchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/17/9c/ee-keekee-the-rocking-monkey-regle.pdf
keekee le singe est prêt pour sa grande prestation : jongler avec des balles tout en se balançant sur une énorme banane ! malgré tout son talent, keekee a besoin de ton aide pour surprendre ses amis au zoo.
1.04 Mo - In German 1.04 Mo - In English 1.04 Mo - In Spanish 1.04 Mo - In French 1.04 Mo - In Italian 1.04 Mo - In Dutch 1.04 Mo - In Portuguese 1.04 Mo - In Russianpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/99/e4/b6-keep-cool-regle.pdf
Distribuez 4 cartes à chacun des joueurs. Chaque joueur regarde ses 4 mots de la face et du numéro choisis pour la partie. Chacun peut, s’il le souhaite, rejeter une de ses cartes au centre de la table et en piocher une autre en remplacement. Les cartes rejetées ne seront pas utilisées.
2.18 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/fc/8a/86-keltis-neue-wege-neue-ziele-rulebook.pdf
This expansion to Keltis introduces a new game board with different relationships between the paths and the colors. Player pawns move about the different color paths. At the end of the game, pawns score points based on how far they have advanced.
64.51 Ko - In English 220.17 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/65/4c/4b-keltis-rulebook.pdf
The players use numbered cards to move their figures as far as they can along the paths of stone. On each path the players have to choose whether to play their cards in ascending or descending value. At the end of the game the number of points you score will depend upon how far your figures have advanced along the paths.
64.84 Ko - In English 600.30 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/af/f0/59-kemet-blood-and-sand-rulebook.pdf
In the mythical age of ancient Egypt, powerful gods deploy their forces into battles for dominance of the land! Deep in the vast desert, and in the shadows of enormous temples, they use their many powers to build their armies, summon mythological creatures, and fight to gain control over Kemet! The goal of these battles is to crush all rival gods, and through the resulting fame, win the eternal devotion...
17.45 Mo - In English 31.63 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/57/82/d6-kemet-blood-and-sand-the-book-of-the-dead-rulebook.pdf
In the fantasy world of Kemet: Blood And Sand, the classic gods of Ancient Egypt deploy their forces into battles for dominance of the land! They will now use the dark and terrifying power of Ancient Egypt. By opening the Book of the Dead, they will have access to the dark knowledge of the Underworld.
8.54 Mo - In English 10.68 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/07/25/66-kemet-rulebook.pdf
In the Mythic age of Ancient Egypt, the powerful gods throw their troops into epic battles to demonstrate their power. In the desert or at the feet of gigantic temples, they use their many powers to support their troops, summon and control mythological creatures and gain the upper hand.
1.53 Mo - In English 2.60 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/3a/9e/85-kemet-seth-rulebook.pdf
The valley of the Nile shudders. In the heart of the delta, a dark purple light pierces the skies and chills your troops with fear. An all-powerful city emerges in the delta of the nile, dominated by an amethyst pyramid. An ancient god has awakened, and his cruelty is matched only by his fury.
1.12 Mo - In English 1.13 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/e7/b2/19-kemet-ta-seti-rulebook.pdf
The mysterious city of Ta-Seti has emerged to the south of Kemet; but the path to get there is a long and dangerous journey.
1.56 Mo - In English 1.55 Mo - In French