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164 / 394 - 4,727 results

Kang Règle Multilingue


Ils se catapultent, changent de camp, se prennent pour des trampolines ou pour des punching-balls. Coachez au mieux votre équipe et soyez le premier à gagner en marquant des buts !

1.55 Mo - In German 1.55 Mo - In English 1.55 Mo - In Spanish 1.55 Mo - In French 1.55 Mo - In Italian 1.55 Mo - In Dutch 1.55 Mo - In Portuguese 1.55 Mo - In Russian

Kannste Knicken Rulebook


GAME IDEA With Kannste Knicken (“You Can Fold...”), the players want to be first to connect their target symbols together with a network of crosses. The trick is: most of the targets are on the back of the sheet, and in order to get to them, the corners must be folded over. The more smiley-faces are crossed off in the corners, the larger the folded corner. A larger fold costs more time but unlocks...

45.50 Ko - In English 821.78 Ko - In French

Karak Rulebook


The dark silhouette of Karak Castle rises over the desolate wasteland. In the depths beneath the crumbling walls, six heroes are fi ghting infi nite throngs of monsters living in a long-abandoned, but certainly not empty, labyrinth. The colossal warrior Horan slashes with his two-handed war axe, while agile Aderyn whirls around and her daggers strike as fast as a hummingbird flies. Argentus, the white...

4.34 Mo - In English 4.09 Mo - In French

Karibou Camp Règle


49 cartes Animal (7 espèces x 7 cartes) (fig.1a), 7 cartes Scout (fig.1b), 8 tuiles rondes représentant les animaux et leur signe (fig.1c), 3 x 2 cartes Équipes et une carte Coyote (fig.1d), 1 Giga-pion (fig.1e), 7 disques de score (fig.1f), règle du jeu.

940.29 Ko - In French

Karmaka Rulebook


My soul is old. My time as the Head of your Order is over. One of you will replace me. You are all, of course, worthy and enlightened – but only one can lead.

2.02 Mo - In English 1.68 Mo - In French

Karnag Rulebook


Starting from Ker Ys, the sunken city, dark troops are progressing to gain a foothold on human earth. Sent by the terrifying Ankou, a horde of evil beings writhe through the crevices to emerge in the middle of the forest.

6.95 Mo - In English 6.95 Mo - In French

Karuba: Junior Règle


Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de la mystérieuse île de Karuba ? On raconte que de précieux trésors y sont cachés au plus profond de la jungle. C’est ce qui pousse trois amis aventuriers intrépides à s’y enfoncer pour trouver les coffres remplis d’or et de pierres précieuses. Pouvez-vous les aider à trouver tous les trésors ?

1.85 Mo - In German 1.85 Mo - In English 1.85 Mo - In Spanish 1.85 Mo - In French 1.85 Mo - In Italian 1.85 Mo - In Dutch

Karuba Rulebook


Many moons have come and gone since your boats departed on the journey to Karuba. Once you arrive on the island, each player will lead an expedition team of four adventurers. Now you just have to navigate your way through the dense jungle to make it to the temples. „Just“ may be something of an understatement; the ancient jungle trails have to be found and uncovered first!

1.14 Mo - In English 1.48 Mo - In French

Karuba: The Card Game Rulebook


On the legendary island of Karuba there are huge temples and valuable treasures hidden away deep in the jungle. You are the leaders of an expedition, and must skillfully plan the paths for your adventurers. You will only be able to collect all the treasures in the jungle and reach the temples if your adventurers don‘t block each other, and if you can do better than competing expedition leaders.

712.06 Ko - In English 793.18 Ko - In French

Kataboom Règle


Avec 14 pièces de jeu originales, Kataboom vous propose une nouvelle approche de ce jeu d'équilibre quasi millénaire.

4.26 Mo - In French

Katamino Fiche Pédagogique


Les objectifs principaux de cette activité sont de travailler la géométrie dans l’espace et la logique.

706.35 Ko - In French

Katamino Pocket Règle


Un Pentamino est une figure formée de 5 carrés juxtaposés ayant au moins un côté commun. Chacun des 12 Pentaminos couvre donc exactement 5 cases du plateau.

446.80 Ko - In French

164 / 394 - 4,727 results