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244 / 394 - 4,727 results

Nous Sommes Ainsi Faits ! Montessori Règle


En manipulant le matériel contenu dans le jeu, les enfants apprennent à reconnaître les parties du corps, élaborent le schéma corporel et s’exercent à représenter le corps en position immobile et en mouvement. En observant les images et en manipulant les pièces, les enfants prennent conscience de leur propre corps qu’ils utilisent dès leur naissance comme un instrument au travers duquel ils apprennent...

306.70 Ko - In French

Nouvelles ContRées Règle


En tant que membres du Bureau Des Livres, vous êtes missionnés pour explorer des romans. Vous devez ramener le précieux Sens Caché, gardé au beau milieu de jungles de mots, dans les mystérieuses Cités Perdues. Des territoires riches de découvertes et de péripéties n’attendent plus que votre expédition !

2.51 Mo - In French

Nova Luna Rulebook


The moon has its influence over our life on earth for ages. It affects the tides and keeps people wake at night. The new moon is a symbol for a new start; it is the perfect time to start something new and to plan your future. And that is, what Nova Luna (lat. for new moon) is all about. In every round of this abstract tile-laying game you have to plan your future anew. Develop a new strategy in order...

3.55 Mo - In English 4.60 Mo - In French

Noxford Rulebook


Welcome to Noxford, a timeless city in perpetual construction that extends continuously following the rhythm of the gears that hold it. Each player leads a crime syndicate and will rely on his lieutenants and henchmen to become the most influential around rich districts of the city.

555.42 Ko - In English 489.36 Ko - In French

Number Drop Rulebook


Drop shapes in the right places to create combinations of identical or consecutive numbers on the grid. Be the most efficient and drop penalties onto your opponents ! As soon as a player reaches the Game Over line, the game ends and whoever has the most points is the winner. Will you reach the ultimate score of 100?

297.07 Ko - In English 295.83 Ko - In French

Numédingo Règle


NuméDingo vous propose 7 jeux de numération à jouer en classe ou en famille. Les parties sont rapides (5 minutes). Un manuel pédagogique téléchargeable gratuitement est disponible (, rubrique “téléchargements”). Vous trouverez notamment : Des règles de jeu supplémentaires...

156.09 Ko - In French

Nutz ! Règle Multilingue


Dans ce jeu de bluff et de stratégie, vous incarnez des écureuils qui préparent l’hiver. Vous cachez vos provisions dans les arbres en été et vous essaierez de réaliser la meilleure récolte possible en hiver.

2.00 Mo - In German 2.00 Mo - In English 2.00 Mo - In Spanish 2.00 Mo - In French 2.00 Mo - In Italian 2.00 Mo - In Dutch 2.00 Mo - In Portuguese 2.00 Mo - In Russian

Nyet! Rulebook


Players are split into 2 teams that each try to score points by taking tricks. Each trick is influenced by the players' decisions at the start of the round. For example, players choose the colors of the trump and the value of the trick.

1.84 Mo - In English 1.63 Mo - In French

Oak Rulebook


In the center of a vast but hidden forest stands a mighty sacred Oak – a majestic tree that was already a sapling when the world was young. It’s been said that from its wood, the Ancients crafted the first animals and humans.

3.20 Mo - In English 3.21 Mo - In French

Oath: Chronicles of Empire & Exile Rulebook


If you like learning in a gradual way with lots of examples, read this book. If you mostly play games like Catan and Pandemic, this playbook is for you. If you like learning from strict, literal rules, read the Law of Oath. It’s a comprehensive reference with few graphics and no examples, so some people will find it overwhelming to read first. If you mostly play games like Twilight Struggle and the...

17.54 Mo - In English

Obscurio Règle


Vous saviez pourtant bien qu’il devait y avoir une Contenu raison pour laquelle cette ancienne Bibliothèque était laissée à l’abandon. Vous aviez entendu parler de toutes ces disparitions, mais la promesse d’objets magiques aux pouvoirs prodigieux a été la plus forte.

909.00 Ko - In French

Observaction Règle


Who is this game for? - The game was designed for children aged 5 to 12, when they are growing, asking questions and making new discoveries. This is the period when children begin to make more conscious choices and become more independent.

218.54 Ko - In French

244 / 394 - 4,727 results