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348 / 394 - 4,727 results

Thief's Market Rulebook


You are all thieves! Each round you will split the loot from the day's heist, and then use your share of the loot to buy useful items, accrue finery, and employ henchmen. Once the last deck has run out of cards, the player who has gained the most notoriety points will be the next king of thieves!

1.26 Mo - In English 945.60 Ko - In French

Thieves Den Rulebook


In Thieves Den, set in the world of 10 Minute Heist: The Wizard's Tower, the players are master thieves who send their hirelings out into the city to nab the choicest treasures, then sell those ill-gotten gains to the underworld fences to increase the master thief's reputation. Certain treasures can also be bartered to Alazar, the wizard, for special powers.

1.00 Mo - In English

Think Again! Rulebook


Score as many points as possible. Players score points by giving CORRECT answers to the questions. Players lose points when they give INCORRECT answers. Of course, what is considered CORRECT or INCORRECT depends on the situation, as you shall see...

278.46 Ko - In English 269.61 Ko - In French

This War of Mine: Days of the Siege Rulebook


By giving too much importance to fine actions one may end by paying an indirect but powerful tribute to evil, because in so doing one implies that such fine actions are only valuable because they are rare, and that malice or indifference are far more common motives in the actions of men.

7.10 Mo - In English

This War of Mine: le Jeu de Plateau FAQ


Ce document recense les encarts de FAQ et les Règles Avancées Secrètes, les Clarifications de Règles et les Errata pour This War of Mine : le Jeu de Plateau.

1.57 Mo - In French

This War of Mine: le Jeu de Plateau Fiche Sauvegarde


This War of Mine: le Jeu de Plateau Fiche Sauvegarde

596.82 Ko - In French

Three Cheers for Master Rulebook


It’s just not the same now that all lands known to evil have been conquered. When Master’s blue, it’s the minions who suffer. As a lieutenant in Master’s army — a foreminion — it falls to you to cheer him up. Not the easiest task, even in the best of times.

4.10 Mo - In English

Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization Rulebook


Get ready to build a civilization that will thrive through the ages. In this game, each player develops a civilization from Antiquity to the present, striving to leave a lasting impression on history. Your civilization scores culture points for its influence on world affairs through literature, drama, religion, wondrous constructions, and great leaders.

28.32 Mo - In English 29.49 Mo - In French

Through the Ages: L'Histoire Vous Appartient Première Partie


Préparez-vous à bâtir une civilisation qui traversera les âges !

28.94 Mo - In French

Through the Ages: New Leaders and Wonders Rulebook


Dear Players, This expansion was planned and developed over several years. The original goal was just to add these new leaders and wonders. During development, we had many more candidates, most of them in various versions. The people and monuments that made it into our final selection are those we felt enhance gameplay the most – those that are most fun and interesting to play.

3.38 Mo - In English 3.67 Mo - In French

Thunderbirds Rulebook


Released between 1965 and 1966 in England and 10 years later in France, the series Thunderbirds (The Sentinels of the Air) rocked a generation to the point of becoming cult. Today.

2.45 Mo - In English 11.69 Mo - In French

Thunder & Lightning Rulebook


On a fateful night, Loki the Trickster stole Odin’s Crown. The wrath of Odin the Allfather was so great, he summoned his son, Thor the Thunder God, to retrieve this precious possession. In so doing, he also bestowed upon Thor his prized ring of power and authority, Draupnir.

1.39 Mo - In English

348 / 394 - 4,727 results