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349 / 394 - 4,727 results

Thunderstone: Doomgate Legion Rulebook


Hiding away in secret for centuries, the order of the Doomgate Legion guards the Stone of Avarice from friend and foe alike. Their cult-like existence known only to a few, the Legionnaires dedicate themselves to the secrecy, protection, and worship of the stone. They are its champions. Its sentinels. Its vanguards.

699.37 Ko - In English

Thunderstone: Dragonspire Rulebook


Seeking to forever cast Doom out of the lands, the heroes defeated the Doomgate Legion and entered their lair. They succeeded in recovering the lost Thunderstone, but at a cost: The Doomgate is open, and the heart of Doom has been released into the world!

1.23 Mo - In English

Thunderstone Rulebook


When the world was forged, Doom stretched out its hand to all mortals and offered the gift of the Thunderstones — each represented the pinnacle of power. Over the ages, men have fought and died to control them, but most stones were lost to the eons. Centuries ago, eight arch-wizards sealed the First Thunderstone inside Grimhold Dungeon. Terrible monsters and evil minions have since collected there...

1.95 Mo - In English 6.14 Mo - In French

Thunderstone: Thornwood Siege Rulebook


Deep in the heart of Thornwood Forest lies the Stone of Blight, one of the Thunderstones desperately needed for the salvation of the world. With the forces of Doom ravaging the lands, time is growing short. When brought together, the Stones have enough power to cast him out of the world— but every stone must be captured if the heroes hope to succeed!

1.15 Mo - In English

Thunderstone: Wrath of the Elements Rulebook


Upon a dark and towering crag, the ancient stronghold of Dreadwatch Keep broods with quiet menace. For centuries, the second Thunderstone has reposed at its lightless heart. With the shattering of Grimhold Dungeon and the capture of its Thunderstone, the scattered minions of Doom seek a new sanctuary.

1.54 Mo - In English

Tichu Rulebook


The cards, with their four suits (Jade, Swords, Pagodas, Stars), each of 13 values, correspond to a “normal” bridge deck. The ace is the highest in each suit and the 2 is the lowest. The 10 ranks between the 9 and the jack, as in most card games. Four extra cards expand the deck to 56 cards: the Dragon, the Phoenix, the Hound, and the Hemp-Sparrow (or Mah Jong).

75.95 Ko - In English 880.70 Ko - In French

Ticket to Ride: 10th Anniversary Rulebook


On a blustery autumn evening five old friends met in the backroom of one of the city’s oldest and most private clubs. Each had traveled a long distance – from all corners of the world.

1.45 Mo - In English 1.29 Mo - In French

Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam Rulebook


Cart on each of those spaces. Most Routes require a specific set of cards. For example, a pink Route must be claimed by discarding pink Transportation cards. The grey Routes, on the other hand, can be claimed with a set of cards of any one color.

1.21 Mo - In English 1.20 Mo - In French

Ticket to Ride: Europe - 15th Anniversary Rulebook


From beneath the shadow of London’s Big Ben to the towering arches of Rome’s Colosseum, from the brilliant onion domes of Moscow to the delicate Eiffel Tower in Paris, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you on new train adventures through the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe. Will you brave a ride through the long Alpine tunnels or undertake an arctic ferry ride? Will you construct extravagant...

5.56 Mo - In English 5.59 Mo - In French

Ticket to Ride: First Journey Rulebook


The youngest player goes fi rst. Play then proceeds clockwise around the table, with each player taking one turn at a time until the game ends.

1.02 Mo - In English 1.04 Mo - In French

Ticket to Ride: Germany Rulebook


Turn of the century Germany... Through a fi ne autumn rain, a plume of smoke announces the arrival of the 4:15 train from Nuremberg in the Munich Central Station. The din of the massive engine grows more intense, culminating with a prolonged hiss as the locomotive halts at the platform, steam erupting in every direction.

2.07 Mo - In English 2.07 Mo - In French

Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train Rulebook


To claim a route, you must play Float Cards from your hand that match the color and number of spaces of the route. Then you place one of your Haunted Carriages in each space of the route. All cards used to claim the route are discarded faceup next to the Float deck.

634.68 Ko - In English 640.04 Ko - In French

349 / 394 - 4,727 results