1888 - London - Whitechapel District. Night covers the dark alleys of her dark mantle. Jack slips into the shadows ... The finest investigators of the day met to capture him before he took advantage of the darkness to finally disappear. The trap closes on him little by little ... But Jack is smart. He has usurped the identity of one of the investigators ... Will the others know how to unmask him?
The objective of the "Jack" player is to manage to escape the investigator before dawn or to leave the neighborhood taking advantage of the darkness. The objective of the player "the investigator" is to discover under what identity is hidden Jack and stop it before dawn.
Eight investigators gathered to track down the elusive Jack. Jack, very clever, hides under the identity of one of them ... By successive deductions and placing the characters in the shadow or in the light, the player must find under what identity is hidden the infamous Jack and try to capture him. His opponent, Jack, is doing his best to delay the investigation. He even tries to take advantage of the darkness to leave the place forever!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Mr. Jack or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 game board representing the Whitechape district, 8 character counters, 6 gas beak tiles, 2 closed sewer plate tiles, 2 police checkpoints, 1 rev counter, 1 double-sided card, 8 character cards, 8 alibi cards.