The adventure in the land of Grimm continues... In Fabula, a player plays Grimm while each of his comrades takes the role of a fairy tale character (dragon, merchant fox, witch...). A writer victim of the white page syndrome, it's sad. But when this writer is none other than one of the Brothers Grimm, it's a serious matter. Will the emblematic characters in his tales manage to save the writer who has run out of inspiration?
In Fabula, a player plays Grimm while each of his comrades takes the role of a fairy tale character (dragon, merchant fox, witch...). At the beginning of the game, Grimm chooses one of the 20 illustrations representing the opening scene of the tale to be invented. The players will then take turns to propose a sequel to this scenario using the "Objects" cards placed face up in the centre of the table. The more players get into the shoes of their characters, the more animated the game will be!
In addition, each chapter has a well-defined problem, and if the players' suggestions don't answer them, Grimm won't validate their ideas. On the other hand, the author assigns a Feather marker to each player who makes an accepted proposal. At the end of the third chapter, the two players with the most feathers take turns proposing a conclusion to the tale in a limited time. The winning character/player will be the hero of the next Grimm tale.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Fabula or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 rule and scenario booklet, 54 Object cards, 48 Feather markers, 20 illustrations Story scene, 12 characters on their pedestals, 1 cardboard easel, 1 hourglass.