Another day, another mammoth hunt. But the spoils of the hunt still have to be shared and everyone in the tribe is trying to get the best possible share! A number of tiles are randomly removed from the fabric bag and then, during your turn, you can: Put in front of you all the tiles you want. Put in front of you all the tiles set aside by another player, except one of your choice that you put back in the center of the table.
Then it is the turn of the next player who does not have any tiles in front of him. As soon as there is only one player left without tiles in front of him and he chooses the tiles in the center of the table, the sharing phase is over. There are several types of tiles and each type scores differently. Once the countdown is done, a new round takes place. The game ends when all the tiles in the bag have been distributed.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Mammut or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 2 game boards, 2 x 5 lean mammoths, 5 heavy mammoths, 19 action cards, 35 animal counters, 1 beginning mammoth, 1 game counter, 31 loot plates, 1 shaman's plate, 1 cloth bag, 1 game rule.