Res Publica Romana

Res Publica Romana

2011 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 112 Notes
Res Publica Romana

Res Publica Romana on Boardgamegeek


English - The Republic of Rome is an abstraction of over 250 years of history. It simulates the politics of the Roman Senate during the republic. The players take the part of various factions vying for the control of the senate. They control the various powerful families of the time, who compete for state offices, military command, economic concessions and new adherents.

Res Publica Romana sur Ludovox


French - RES PUBLICA recrée le jeu des intrigues politiques qui ont parsemé la vie de la République Romaine au cours de la période allant de –265 à –44 avant JC. Les joueurs dirigent les partis politiques majeurs siégeant au Sénat Romain.