Merlin stole a grimoire from his father and was captured by the witch. His friends, Viviane, Lancelot, Arthur and Guinevere went in search of him and succeeded in freeing him... Now they have to reach the village of Broceliande to return the grimoire to its owner, but they are pursued by the monstrous cat of Morpnage... In this game, the players unite to lead all the characters to the village of Broceliande before the Cat catches up with them. To do this, the players take turns sending spells down a spell track according to a precise technique indicated by a special die.
Depending on the square indicated by the spell, they will move a character forward, use a secret passage, make a character invisible or reverse the hourglass. Be careful, these spells can also have unforeseen effects that will make the players lose precious time. The cat will move forward each time the hourglass runs out (i.e. once a minute) and each time 3 spells have been sent out of the spell track.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Merlin Zinzin or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 1 spell track, 5 character counters, 1 "Morphage Cat" hourglass, 1 "Spell Casting" die, 3 "Spell Tokens", 16 "Unexpected Effects" cards, 1 game rules booklet.