Throw yourself into the fray! But beware of your teeth, you are not the only monster in town! Four hungry monsters land in Meeple City to devastate everything in their path. Unchained, they tear the asphalt of their claws, launch cars and destroy buildings. The innocents who have not had time to flee are devoured. But monsters take care of their line and make sure to eat different citizens: heroes, journalists, soldiers, blondes, businessmen, old men ... nobody will escape their munchies!
Whoever caused the most damage after the carnage will be declared the winner! But beware, monsters have more than one trick in their bag! Their personalities and their superpowers are valuable assets in this race to destruction!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Rampage or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 4 Body counters, 4 Legs counters, 4 Mouth/Stomach screens, 16 Teeth counters, 1 City board in two parts, 1 Escape board (both sides), 90 Meeples, 4 Vehicles, 19 Floor tiles, 6 Ruins to be pasted, 1 Ruin large square, 48 Monster cards, 1 game helper, 1 puzzle piece to be pasted, 1 game rule.