The honoured monarch returned surrounded by his faithful guards. Protest voices are rising all over the city, and in the dark alleys, some people are whispering that they will overthrow the king. But the latter ignored the warnings of his advisers, and decided to parade proudly in the city's main square, without worrying about the grumbling of his subjects. Among the angry crowds that are growing on every street corner, murderers are hiding, waiting for the opportunity to put an end to the monarch once and for all. Will that happen today? That's for you to decide.
King & Assassins is an asymmetric strategy and deception game for 2 players. One controls the vile king and his knights, who are trying to force their way to the castle through the angry crowd. The other controls the crowd and - more importantly - three assassins hidden among them, with the hope of killing the sovereign. Choose your strategy, hide your killers and play one of two scenarios, each offering almost unlimited choices. And remember....
... Even a friendly hand can hold a dagger!
Contents of the box : 23 figurines, 27 cards, 2 game aids, 2 game boards, 1 rule booklet.