The fate of a pirate is not always easy. In order to establish fortresses and a naval force, he must obtain gold, swords, wood and wool. But these resources are not always at hand, so it is sometimes necessary to trade with his fellow pirates, making sure to get the most of the pie. And if you just had to sail against the current in this story, do not worry, your faithful companion, Coco, will certainly give you a hand! Catania Junior allows the youngest to enjoy the experience of Catania and to immerse themselves in this universe rich in twists and turns.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 reversible board, 32 boats, 28 fortresses, 1 phantom figure, 119 cards, 1 market board, 4 port tiles, 4 game aids, 1 die, 1 game rule.