Well! Play now! The Cicada, having been disillusioned after the summer, was very disappointed by this oh so stubborn ant. Quite vindictive, a plan was hatched in the insect's mind: to follow the Ant by various paths in order to hijack its precious booty. Take turns playing Cicada and Ant and accumulate the provisions that will lead you to victory! As the game progresses, you play as the Ant and then the Cicada (or even the Red Ants, with 3 or 4 players).
As the Ant, place your ants next to each other on the Path tiles to form an unbroken chain. Then secretly choose the pantry path that you will take to collect the various provisions. As a Cicada, try to guess which path your opponent will take by placing your ant counter on one of the Path cards with an ant counter.
If the Cicada finds the correct Path, it wins all the Path cards corresponding to the Ant player's choice and on which Ant counters are present. If the Cicada makes a mistake, the Ant wins the round and collects the corresponding cards. If there are more than two players, Red Ants come into the game to pick up any crumbs left by the Ant. In each round, the winner can spend the accumulated Path cards to fill their pantry (Autumn mode) or achieve one of the visible objectives (Winter mode). The first player to fill two shelves of his pantry (or to achieve 4 objectives) wins the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 tray representing the Pantry (Autumn mode), 20 cubes of 4 different colours (Autumn mode), 14 Provision cards (Winter mode), 6 Power cards (Winter mode variant), 48 Path round cards of 4 different types, 1 rule book.