In space, nobody will hear you bleating... Not a blade of grass left on Arridis... You have to explore the galaxy, visit wonderful planets, discover forgotten artifacts and find the fastest way to arrive as a winner on Edenia, a legendary planet with infinite pastures. You lead a team of sheep whose goal is to reach the planet "Edenia".
On your turn, you choose one of your sheep and move it across the galaxy following the path in front of it. During their journey, the sheep may discover a new "Exploration" tile, collect "Artifacts" giving special powers or conquer planets. The game ends when a player reaches one of the 2 immediate victory conditions (bring all 3 sheep to Edenia, have exactly 42 points) or when there is no more room on the planet Edenia: the player with the most points wins the game!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 5 Files Available5 Files Available
Download the rule for Edenia or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 5 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 4 outer borders, 12 sheep figures, 23 tiles, 6 Trifolium tokens, 18 Artifact tokens, 8 Sabotage tokens, 30 Turbo Clover tokens, 12 flags, 1 die, 1 rulebook.