A game of "When I Dream" is played in a series of rounds equal to the number of players. Each round is divided into 2 phases, Day and Night. During each round, one player is the Dreamer and must identify Proposals based on the clues the other players give him. The Fairies and the Dreamer score points when the Dreamer guesses the Propositions correctly.
The Boogeymen score points when the Dreamer guesses incorrectly. The Sandmen score more points when the Fairies and the Cloth Diggers score a similar number of points.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for When I Dream or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 11 Dream Spirit cards, 110 double-sided Dream cards, 104 Point tokens, 1 bed, 1 headboard, 1 board, 1 mask, 1 hourglass, 1 rulebook.