Dark Souls: The Board Game - Old Iron King
Dark Souls: The Board Game - Old Iron King

1-4 PlayersNb of players

120 MinPlaying time

Age: 14+Minimum age

PassionateType of public


(Good - usually willing to play.)


Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available

Download the rule for Dark Souls: The Board Game - Old Iron King or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available.

Dark Souls: The Board Game Rulebook

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/dc/56/ec-dark-souls-the-board-game-rulebook.pdf

In the beginning, the world was without form, only a colourless place shrouded by fog and bereft of light. What little of this world existed was ruled by the Everlasting Dragons, masters of desolate grey crags and the ancient archtrees. is was the Age of the Ancients, an era that would last for time untold, until the advent of the First Flame.

4.66 Mo - In English

Dark Souls: The Board Game Règle

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/8f/30/eb-dark-souls-the-board-game-regle.pdf

Au commencement, le monde était informe, un endroit incolore entouré de brouillard, dépourvu de lumière. Ce piètre monde était régi par les Dragons Éternels, les maîtres des terres rocheuses grises désolées et des arbres antiques. C’était l’Âge des Anciens, une époque qui dont la durée échapperait à la raison, jusqu’à l’avènement de la Première Flamme.

4.68 Mo - In French

Dark Souls: The Board Game - Old Iron King Rulebook

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/29/c5/48-dark-souls-the-board-game-old-iron-king-rulebook.pdf

No one now remembers the true identity of the man who became the Old Iron King, once a minor lord with little to his name. Aided by Sir Alonne, an enigmatic knight from the east, his lust for power created a vast and indomitable empire carved from the old kingdom of Venn. Not even the curse of undeath could stay his vision, as he hunted them down and imprisoned their lifeless corpses.

1.50 Mo - In English

Dark Souls: The Board Game - Old Iron King Règle

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/3c/22/c3-dark-souls-the-board-game-old-iron-king-regle.pdf

Aujourd'hui, personne ne se souvient de l'identité de l'homme devenu le Old Iron King, qui n'était jadis qu'un seigneur mineur de faible renom. Aidé par Sir Alonne, un chevalier énigmatique venu de l'est, sa soif de pouvoir permit d'ériger un vaste empire invincible sur les vestiges de l'ancien royaume de Venn. Pas même la malédiction des morts-vivants n'a pu ternir sa vision, puisqu'il les chassa...

2.00 Mo - In French