In Forum Trajanum, each player runs a Colony founded by Trajan. The players try to develop their Colony optimally, and must support the Emperor's construction project. The player who has done the best will be, after the expiry of his mandate, admitted into the small circle of illustrious and powerful personalities surrounding the Emperor.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 game board, 5 individual boards, 3 column fragments, 4 personal boards, 4 rulers, 136 emissaries, 16 construction cranes, 36 cards, 104 building tiles, 10 builders, 10 workers, 10 assistants, 12 Tribunes, 20 coins, 12 Forum markers, 4 victory point markers, 1 first player figure, 1 game rule.