Forum Trajanum

Forum Trajanum

2018 - (x)(x)(x)(x)() 3.9 - 19 Notes
Forum Trajanum

2-4 PlayersBest of 3 players

90 MinPlaying time

Age: 12+Minimum age

AmateurType of public


(Good - usually willing to play.)


Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available

Download the rule for Forum Trajanum or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.

Forum Trajanum Rulebook


Emperor Trajan is planning the building of a monument for eternity: the Forum Trajanum. It will be the biggest and most magnificent Emperor’s forum the Roman Empire has ever seen. The building, now almost completed, is supposed to demonstrate Trajan’s success as Optimus Princeps in an impressive way, but also foster the well-being and the glory of the honorable citizens of Rome – inside and outside...

3.13 Mo - In English

Forum Trajanum Règle


L'empereur Trajan s'apprête à achever un monument qui traversera les temps : le Forum Trajanum. Il s'agira du forum impérial le plus vaste et le plus grandiose que l'empire romain n'a jamais compté. Le site doit symboliser de façon spectaculaire le triomphe de Trajan en tant qu'Optimus Princeps, mais aussi promouvoir le bien-être et la gloire des honorables citoyens romains, à l'intérieur comme à...

3.20 Mo - In French