Adventurers eager to discover have decided to leave planet Earth behind and fly into the unknown, in search of a new viable planet where they could start all over again. Space Bowl is a simultaneous, turn-free and competitive game in which players must quickly identify a random pattern in the galaxy that is transmitted by an on-board computer and based on the position of planets.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 onboard computer box, 1 cardboard grid, 6 Planet balls, 1 Destination disc (purple), 1 Black hole disc (black) used in a variant, 1 Joker token, 1 Captain token, 24 Crew tokens (3 per player, 1 large with a red button on the back and 2 small), 56 Constellation cards, 1 score track, 1 game rule.