Beyond The Sun is a space civilisation game in which players collectively decide on the technological progress of humanity at the dawn of the space age, while competing to be the leading faction in economic development, science and galactic influence. The game is played over a variable number of rounds until a certain number of end-game achievements are collectively claimed by the players. The winner is the faction with the most victory points, gained by researching technologies, improving their economy, controlling and colonising systems, and accomplishing various feats and events throughout the game. On a turn, a player moves his action token to an empty action space and performs that action. He then performs his production phase, either by producing ore, increasing his population, or trading one of these resources for another. Finally, he may claim up to one achievement, if possible.
As players perform actions, they seek out new technologies that come in four levels. Each technology is of one of the following four types (scientific, economic, military, commercial), and higher level technologies must correspond to one of the types of technologies that lead to it. Thus, players create their own technology tree in each game, using these actions to increase their military strength, jump to different habitable exoplanetary systems, colonise those systems, increase their resource production, develop android technology that allows for population-free growth, and more.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 technology board, 46 technology cards, 20 event cards, 1 two-sided exploration board, 24 system cards, 10 success cards, 1 1st player marker, 4 guild cover tiles, 2 basic spaceship replacement tiles, 2 technology board bars, 1 configuration sheet. Components for each of the 4 factions: 2 faction mats, 20 6-sided resource cubes, 24 wooden discs, 1 two-sided game aid.