Beyond The Sun

Beyond The Sun

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.3 - 26 Notes
Beyond The Sun

2-4 PlayersBest of 3 players

90 MinPlaying time

Age: 14+Minimum age

PassionateType of public


(Good - usually willing to play.)


Beyond The Sun on Boardgamegeek


French - Beyond the Sun is a space civilization game in which players collectively decide the technological progress of humankind at the dawn of the Spacefaring Era, while competing against each other to be the leading faction in economic development, science, and galactic influence. The game is played over a variable number of rounds until a number of game-end achievements are collectively claimed by the...

Beyond The Sun sur Ludovox


French - Beyond the Sun est un jeu de civilisation spatiale dans lequel les joueurs décident collectivement du progrès technologique de l'humanité à l'aube de l'ère spatiale, tout en s'affrontant pour être la première faction en matière de développement économique, de science et d'influence galactique.