The King's Court is in turmoil! The advisors are busy around the young monarch, and everyone is trying to make a name for themselves in this period of regency. Once the King has gained confidence, he will not fail to appoint his most loyal advisors to his government. How to stand out... ? Strengthening one's position and weakening that of others, that's life at Court! For The King (and Me) is a reworking of the famous Biblios, developed by its author for even more intense games... and more players, since it is now possible to play with up to 5 players!
Draft, Auction and Collection. For The King (and Me) is played in two distinct phases: Draft and Auction. In the first phase, players draw cards and decide whether to allocate them to their hand, the discard pile or the common market, from which all players are then obliged to take cards. Once the deck has been emptied and the King has reached his majority, the auction begins. In the second phase, the players reveal the cards from the discard pile and bid for them using gold. Their goal is of course to complete the collections started in the first phase... and to do everything to counter those of their opponents.
The Majority War. In order to win, players must do everything they can to obtain the Majority in each Ministry, and thus win the most prestigious honorary titles. The twist is that it is possible to change the value of the ministries during the game. And if you are visibly ahead in a Ministry, your opponents will be happy to lower its value, so that it no longer brings you much at the end of the game. You will therefore have to manage to position yourself without revealing your intentions too much... and wait until the end of the game to make sure of the value of the Ministry you have brilliantly won. Note also that it is the two players with the most points in each collection who will win, which keeps the battle for each Ministry open until the very last moment, as no one has any interest in giving up any points to their opponents. The final resolutions are more spectacular, more dramatic... and often tighter.
A very neat reissue! With its pleasant and intuitive material, its light (but very present) theme and the possibility of playing with up to 5 players, For the King (and Me) goes even further than its illustrious model and allows players to live captivating and new game experiences. A true rediscovery!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 Government Board, 5 Noble Tiles, 26 Function Tokens, 1 Card Distribution Sheet, 108 Cards, 1 Rule Book.