Save the world in 20 minutes! A new pathology has just appeared and patient zero has been identified. Two laboratories are now in a frantic race to find the antidote first... Which of the two will win? Labo-M or Labo-T? In this game of deduction and investigation, choose the best laboratory tools at your disposal to discover the 3 molecules that make up the antidote. In each round, the teams choose a tool among those available. Each tool can only be used once. The game master then executes the actions of the tool cards, and each team will gradually deduce the 3 molecules making up the antidote!
Save Patient Zero funded on the Kickstarter platform
Save Patient Zero was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the May 13, 2021, the campaign lasted 23 days. 270 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €10,000.00. Thanks to these 270 people the game could be funded up to €13,141.00, ~131.41%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 60 Lab Sheets, 2 Screens, 2 Pencils, 2 Scanpads, 2 Estugamo Chips, 2 Centrifugo Chips, 1 Rule Book, 24 Tool Cards (Labo-M), 40 Sample Cards (Labo-M), 24 Tool Cards (Labo-T), 40 Sample Cards (Labo-T), 25 Molecule Cards, 15 Interrupt Cards.