English - Almanac: La Route du Dragon was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jan 23, 2020, the campaign lasted 14 days. 613 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $6,000.00. Thanks to these 613 people the game could be funded up to $31,213.00, ~520.22%.
English - Almanac: The Dragon Road is the first entry in the Almanac series of games from acclaimed designer Scott Almes. Each round of the game is played on a different page in the game book, each page representing a unique location with a special twist on worker placement. Combining rich narrative and intuitive yet unique game mechanisms, every game is a new adventure!
French - Votre caravane est prête, les wagons sont scellés. Le chemin à parcourir est semé d'embûches, mais c'est le prix d'une fortune inimaginable. Cette première étape est l'une des nombreuses étapes de la Route du Dragon, aussi difficile soit-elle. L'aventure n'est qu'une page à tourner.