Almanac: The Crystal Peaks is a game of trade, travel and adventure in a fantasy realm! Players will visit strange places, buy and sell goods, and encounter a variety of unpredictable encounters as they travel from the Merchant's Village to High Frost, the seat of power in the region, or to Two Twins City, the centre of commerce! In Almanac: The Crystal Peaks, adventure and riches are just a page-turner away!
Almanac: The Crystal Peaks is the second in the Almanac series of games by renowned designer Scott Almes. Each game in Almanac is played on a different page of the game book. Each page represents a unique location/board with a special twist for worker placement. Combining an innovative bidding mechanism for turn order with a wide range of fantastic encounters, each game of Almanac: The Crystal Peaks is a new experience!
Almanac: Les Sommets Cristallins funded on the Kickstarter platform
Almanac: Les Sommets Cristallins was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Aug 25, 2021, the campaign lasted 22 days. 714 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $14,000.00. Thanks to these 714 people the game could be funded up to $50,939.00, ~363.85%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 120 commodity tokens, 75 gold tokens, 30 caravan cards, 24 contract cards, 24 workers (6 per player colour), 20 encounter cards, 12 guard tokens, 2 ice tokens, 12 ladder tokens, 4 producer tokens, 4 doppelganger potion tokens, 1 insect tile, 6 turtle tiles, 4 player screens, 6 silver mist bottle tokens 4 starting caravan cards, 1 light marker token, 3 monte card tokens, 30 plague tokens, 4 favour tokens, 4 royalty tokens, 4 medal tokens, 4 enchanted shield tokens, 3 theatre tokens, 1 6-sided dice, 1 Almanac playbook, 1 combat dice, 1 guide token, 1 city key token, 1 rulebook.