English - Almanac: Les Sommets Cristallins was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Aug 25, 2021, the campaign lasted 22 days. 714 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $14,000.00. Thanks to these 714 people the game could be funded up to $50,939.00, ~363.85%.
English - Almanac: The Crystal Peaks is a game of trade, travel, and adventure through a whimsical fantasy realm! Players will visit strange places, acquire and sell goods, and face an unpredictable set of encounters as they travel from the Trader's Village to either High Frost, the seat of power in the region, or Two Twins City, the center of commerce! In Almanac: The Crystal Peaks, adventure and riches are...
French - Almanach : The Crystal Peaks est un jeu de commerce, de voyage et d'aventure à travers un royaume fantastique et fantasque ! Les joueurs visiteront des endroits étranges, achèteront et vendront des marchandises, et feront face à une série de rencontres imprévisibles alors qu'ils voyageront du village des commerçants vers High Frost, le siège du pouvoir dans la région, ou Two Twins City, le centre...