Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available

Download the rule for Heroes of Normandie: Big Red One Edition - Bloody Omaha or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.

Heroes of Normandie: Big Red One Edition Rulebook


In Heroes of Normandie, you take command of a detachment of American or German soldiers. The scenario you choose will determine what forces you have at your command, as well as your objectives—what you have to do to claim victory! The action is fought on a battlefield made of one or more Terrain Boards, which depicts the Terrain Elements that your warriors must contend with during the fight.

3.25 Mo - In English

Heroes of Normandie: Big Red One Edition Règle


Dans Heroes of Normandie, vous prenez le commandement des forces Américaines ou Allemandes, dans des escarmouches où tous les coups sont permis. Le scénario que vous choisirez déterminera les effectifs que vous aurez sous votre commandement, ainsi que vos objectifs, il ne vous restera plus qu’à obtenir la victoire !

3.26 Mo - In French