Ulule https://fr.ulule.com/martial-art/
French - Martial Art was funded on the Crowdfunding Ulule (See the campaign) platform on the May 31, 2019, the campaign lasted 38 days. 47 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €6,000.00. Thanks to these 47 people the game could be funded up to €2,965.00, ~49.42%.
Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/305216/martial-art
English - Martial Art is a subtle game of confrontation and brutally effective hand-to-hand combat, transforming each player to a master of their chosen fighting art, from capoeira and kung fu to bare-knuckle boxing. In Martial Art, the Guardian of the Temple of Equilibrium is searching for a successor. From all over the world, the best fighters are invited to prove their worth and do battle to become the next...
Ludovox https://ludovox.fr/jeu-de-societe/martial-art/
French - Martial Art regroupe les arts martiaux au sens large du terme, des arts martiaux asiatiques à la capoeira ou à la boxe.Dynamique et incroyablement efficace, le jeu Martial Art retranscrit les capacités de réflexion et d’adaptation des combattants. Avec des règles simples et précises, chaque mouvement des joueurs s’enchaine avec la fluidité des maîtres du combat.