In Momiji, you attempt to complete objectives by collecting the most valuable autumn leaves from the imperial garden of ancient Japan. You start with a hand of six leaf cards and a set of three landscape powers that combine to form a unique panorama (for the first game, landscapes are assigned, but they can be drafted in subsequent games). ) The leaf cards come in 4-6 types depending on the number of players, with values from 0-3 in each type. Start with four random cards in the central playing area, sorted by type. Place 4-6 randomly chosen objective tokens in the centre of the game; typical objectives are to collect the most 0's, to have the most cards of a specific type, or to have the highest sum of cards visible at the end of the game.
On your turn, choose one of these three options: Collect leaf cards: Take all the leaves of a type from the central display and add them to your hand; if you wish, pay an acorn token to reveal four new leaf cards before choosing a type. Play leaf cards: Place 1-2 leaf cards of the same type or two or more cards of different types in your playing area. Each type is placed in its own pile, with 0 being the first card you can play of a type; each subsequent card must have the same or at most a higher number. Once you have played a 3 on a stack, cover that stack with a torii token as that stack is now closed for you. If you are playing different types, then after playing each pair of highest adjacent cards in your area; if both cards show an acorn on adjacent corners, you take two acorn tokens from the reserve. Activate an Objective Token: Pay three Acorn Tokens to place an Objective Token in your playing area. This activates the objective, and anyone can score points for that objective at the end of the game. Once per turn, you may discard two cards from your hand for an acorn token or spend an acorn to use a landscape power or do both. You can use each landscape power a maximum of once in a game.
When the deck of leaf cards is empty or when 4 to 6 piles of leaves are closed by a torii token, the game ends. For each pile of leaves, you score points equal to the value of the highest card multiplied by the number of cards in the pile. The remaining acorn tokens are worth 1 point each. For each activated objective, you see who best meets the condition and therefore scores points; if the player holding the token scores points, he receives 10 points, while any other player who scores that objective receives 3 points. Each player scores points in case of a tie. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.
Momiji funded on the Kickstarter platform
Momiji was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Dec 23, 2020, the campaign lasted 22 days. 2,333 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €10,000.00. Thanks to these 2,333 people the game could be funded up to €71,709.00, ~717.09%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 rules booklet including scenarios for the solo rules, 34 Landscape cards, 16 Objective tokens, 32 Acorn tokens, 1 scoring block, 84 Sheet cards.