You have ventured into a mysterious, unknown Egyptian pyramid. As you discover the ancient relics of Tutankhanin, you trigger a trap! Your only chance is the stone corridor that disappears into darkness, but angry mummies are awakening to punish those who have entered their tomb. Your goal is clear: stop the mummies from touching the Relics and open a new exit to escape and lift the curse. You only have 5 torches left... Run for it! Run for it! Run Run!
In Run Run Run! players cooperate to escape the pyramid. First, they move the mummies using the mummy dice; then they have to decide between 3 actions: Explore (place a new card to extend the corridor and find the mechanisms to open the door), Fight (roll the dice to push the mummies back and prevent them from getting the relic) or Cooperate (gather all willing players in the same place and act stronger together). Players win if they get out of the pyramid by defeating all the mummies (including the boss). They lose if they run out of room cards or if a mummy reaches the relics.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 4 Adventurer tiles, 4 Adventurers, 4 Mummy cards, 3 Mummy Boss cards, 4 Mummies and 1 Boss, 3 Concertation tiles, 4 Game Turn cards, 6 Combat dice, 4 Mummy dice, 64 Location cards, 1 Pharaoh's Hall card, 1 Exit Door card, 3 Door Mechanism tokens, 5 Torch Mechanism tokens, tokens (Heart, Torches, and Sarcophagus), 1 set of rules.