English - Hybris: Disordered Cosmos was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jul 23, 2020, the campaign lasted 23 days. 1,851 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €40,000.00. Thanks to these 1,851 people the game could be funded up to €158,631.00, ~396.58%.
English - Primodials Gods have fallen. Hunted, captured and tortured by their children, Chronos and his congeners are nothing but remnants of an ancient world. Era of Olympians has just begun. After aeons of fightings, a new order is established. Zeus, his brothers and sisters took the dominion of the heavens and the mortals world. Now they are trying to organize themselves to share the remaining realms and...
French - Les dieux primodiaux sont tombés. Chassés, capturés et torturés par leurs enfants, Chronos et ses congénères ne sont que les vestiges d'un monde ancien. L'ère des Olympiens vient de commencer. Après des siècles de combats, un nouvel ordre est établi. Zeus, ses frères et sœurs ont pris le contrôle des cieux et du monde des mortels. Ils essaient maintenant de s'organiser pour se partager les royaumes...