In The Witcher: Old World, you become a witcher - a professional monster killer - and immerse yourself in the legendary world of The Witcher franchise. Set years before the Geralt of Rivia saga, The Witcher: Old World explores a time when monsters roamed the continent in greater numbers, creating a constant peril that required the attention of expertly trained monster slayers known as witches. Five competing schools trained their followers through brutal regimes, and once prepared, these now-recognised wizards set out to explore the land, seeking trouble and adventure and helping others for money.
In this competitive adventure board game, 2-5 players travel across a vast map, embarking on masterful quests, meeting and making ambiguous moral choices, fighting monsters - and sometimes battling with other wizards to defend their school's honour! The game allows players to build their own unique decks by choosing from a wide range of abilities: attacks, dodges and witchery combat magic - known as "signs". Through card synergy, players attempt to achieve powerful combos by making the best use of their wizard school's abilities. Quests, battles and even dice poker allow each player to earn money, obtain new items and train their skills.
The first player to get 4-6 trophies, the number of which is set at the beginning of the game, wins the game instantly. Trophies can be obtained by killing monsters, provoking and winning chaotic tavern fights against another wizard, training attributes to their highest level and solving certain quests throughout your adventure. The game will include a Solo mode that will allow you to experience a solo adventure on the continent.
The Witcher: Old World funded on the Kickstarter platform
The Witcher: Old World was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jun 11, 2021, the campaign lasted 17 days. 45,162 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €250,000.00. Thanks to these 45,162 people the game could be funded up to €6,840,648.00, ~2,736.26%.