You play with your kids and they like to play board games, find the latest news specially designed for them.
In a lost land, a very old ghost haunts a ruined dungeon. A few reckless children silently climb the worn steps of the old staircase. Each one wants to be the first to scare the ghost with a loud "BOO! But the ghost knows this ancient game and has put...
Languages : German, English, French, Italian
Amount : from €15.98 to €53.56
Each player tries with his letters to form a word of the category indicated by the die (e. g. animals). At the beginning, each player has three "letter" cards. Each player in turn draws another letter until a player can form a corresponding word. The...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €10.00
Only the one who will drive as many camels as possible to the oasis will be able to win this torrid race through the desert. But beware: mirages delay camels and sandstorms are all messy! With your camels, you try to reach the oasis as soon as possible....
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Release Date : February 2009
Make'n' Break by Ravensburger, a superb family game that tests your architectural skills. Under the pressure of the stopwatch, each player tries to make as many crazy constructions as possible as indicated on the challenge cards. In this new Make n'...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €25.00 to €147.44
Are you as fast as lightning? Great, because in this game, you have to get rid of your cards faster than the other players! But you have to think just as quickly, because the rules for putting your card down change as lightning strikes! So you have to...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €10.00
Three maps are laid out: they show winding circuits intertwined with race cars of different colours at the beginning and end of a circuit. The color of the die indicates which car is in the lead at the beginning. But positions change from map to map....
Languages : German, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €15.00
Silvio the mouse sneaks into the cheese castle to steal a piece of the royal cheese. He has to be very quiet so as not to wake the sleeping guards. But the guards have installed a sophisticated alarm system: as soon as Silvio moves a little too loudly,...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €11.00 to €15.00
Driven by its constant hunger, the Oliver bear is constantly in search of honey, its favourite food. As he wants more and more, he gets all the honey he can find. But will he be able to wear them all as the battery grows? Or will they all fall to the...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €25.00
The goal is to move pigs forward no matter what. If we win the winning pig it's all good. A circular circuit consisting of 27 tiles with a starting line is placed. Five pigs of different colors are placed on the tiles before the starting line. Each player...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.49 to €16.00
Discover or rediscover the famous game of The Laughing Pig in its four-part edition. How to play the Laughing Pig? The construction of the laughing pig is done piece by piece (member by member!). The dice displaying 6 give the player the right to start...
Languages : French
Amount : from €34.00
Alert! The fire brigade has been called for a new intervention and you're part of the team! But what mission are the firefighters on today? Will they have to put out a fire or rescue a cat perched in a tree? It is now a matter of having nerves of steel,...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €29.98
Pin-pon! The siren can be heard from afar. The ambulance is running for an emergency. For the paramedics, this is not the easiest of surgeries. Where is the house from which the emergency call was made? And on the way, many obstacles complicate the traffic....
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Release Date : April 2009