Let's board! The greatest pirate captains have sailed to the Candy Islands, thirsting for wealth, glory and... sugar! Recruit fierce mercenaries and seize delicious treasures to become the greatest pirate of the Candy Islands. Game Principle: Candy Islands...
Languages : French
Amount : from €18.90 to €20.00
Over the course of the game, you'll build up a solid reputation before facing off against each other in a final naval battle. To do this, you'll accumulate Resources and Gold, adorn yourself with Legendary Seven Seas Attributes, acquire a sturdy Ship...
Languages : French
Amount : from €9.56 to €24.90
Party Hunter is a skirmish game set in the time of piracy. Each player builds his own pirate band and chooses from several factions of semi-humans: pigs, monkeys, saurians and more... The 54mm figures are really beautiful and need to be painted. Individual...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.32 to €22.00
Coconut Pirate is a game of visual agility. Each player has a group of dice with different coloured faces and icons. On their turn, each player rolls a dice and the first to find a combination of three dice of the same colour or with the same icons claims...
Languages : Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish
Amount : from €20.00 to €77.86
Deckscape: Pirates vs Pirates - Treasure Island adds a competitive element to the game! Deckscape is a pocket-sized Escape Room game designed to be played alone or with a group of friends. For the first time, players split into two teams and try to solve...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.33 to €11.90
Embark on a fabulous adventure aboard a pirate ship! The Pirate Captain lands you on an abandoned island and gives you 45 minutes to find the lost treasure of the Pirate Buzzard. You'll have to be quick, because the Captain won't give you another minute!...
Languages : French
Amount : from €9.50 to €31.50
You are part of the special forces of the space-time agency Y, where you are a specialist in high-risk missions: at any time, the agency can summon you and send you into the field to change the course of time. Warning: each time, you must reach your...
Languages : French
Amount : from €31.50 to €60.00
You are part of the Special Forces of the Space-Time Agency Y! Go on a mission with Dooz, your faithful robot assistant... but be careful: he can only keep the time portal open for 60 minutes! For this mission, travel to the year 2394 to counter the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €7.47 to €31.50
Your heart races as you stand in front of the closed door of Captain Redbeard's cabin. Do not linger now. There is no time to procrastinate and weigh the risks! Hurry up, sailor. This is your chance to leave the pirate life behind and start a new life......
Languages : French
Amount : from €9.90
Located in the same universe as Pillards de la Mer du Nord, Explorateurs de la Mer du Nord invites you to embark on your proud Drakkar in search of new lands to exploit. The horizon is yours! Each player has at the start 7 Vikings and 1 Drakkar.... which...
Languages : French
Release Date : January 2018
This extension offers new opportunities for the most daring captains! Recent storms have decimated fleets of unlucky adventurers, scattering their precious cargoes along the rocky coasts... and there are rumours of fortresses being erected in nearby...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.50 to €28.00
Players embark on a fabulous adventure with the pirates and find a treasure chest closed with a code lock. To find this three-digit code, they must solve the puzzles on the map together and advance the miniature the exact number of squares on the treasure...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €9.99 to €16.90