The enigmatic Sherlock series tells the story of England's most famous detective and now the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watsons in the 21st century in London are the centerpiece of their own version of the classic Cluedo game! Was it Moriarty...
Languages : English
Amount : from €51.88
On the main square of the inner city, a sorcerer was tortured, and the crowd gathered there contemplating the spectacle with loud cries and mockery. Conan, attacked in his house by the monster, inflicted a mortal wound on him and pursued him to the square,...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €14.90 to €51.57
Renew and intensify your Star Wars games: X-Wing! This expansion package includes everything you need to add 1 Lightweight Cargo YV-666 and 1 Z-95-AF4 Head Hunter to your games. Contents of the box : 23 cards, 37 markers, 2 maneuver dials, 2 painted...
Languages : Spanish, French
Amount : from €44.90 to €51.00
This squadron pack includes iconic heroes such as Poe Dameron and Temmin "Snap" Wexley, with new abilities based on their appearance in the movie Star Wars: Skywalker's Ascent. These brave pilots launch into battle aboard two X-Wing T-70s with updated...
Languages : Spanish, French
Amount : from €44.90 to €51.00
In this cooperative game, you'll take on the heroic roles of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger or Neville Londubat to confront a series of evil threats. Determined to conquer the world of wizards one place at a time, the Enemies will attack...
Languages : French
Amount : from €35.70 to €51.00
The Rick and Morty Monopoly in French version included 6 collector pawns: Rick's Board Badge, Fist Box, Fiantouse, Pisto-Portal, Rick's Ship, Croquette Helmet. Be-bop-a-lula! Join Rick, Morty and the Smiths in all the territories of the Multiverse in...
Languages : English
Release Date : November 2016
It's time to join the legendary TV series most appreciated in the edition of Monopoly. Play as Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Joey or Chandler by choosing one of the band's exclusive chips. Rachel for a handbag, Ross for a dinosaur, Chandler for a sweater...
Languages : English
Amount : from €50.99
In many ways, Risk: The Walking Dead - Survival Edition follows the usual Risk gameplay, where players compete to claim territories on a map, earn bonuses and eliminate their opponents. What's different about this game is that players compete on a map...
Languages : French
Amount : from €44.90 to €50.90
The speed game! Ligretto is a fast and fun card game that will appeal to all those who love animation. Place as many cards of the same suit as possible in the middle, in ascending order, and be the first to eliminate all your Ligretto. The important...
Languages : German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €50.89
Give a whole new dimension to your X-Wing games! A very specific repeller technology gives the impressive G-1A fighter an astonishing manoeuvrability. In addition, its firepower and strong shields made it very popular with mercenaries such as the infamous...
Languages : French
Release Date : March 2016
Like all the other planets in the galaxy, the government of the planet Utapau has built up a fleet of more than impressive fighters. Indeed, being victim of an arms embargo organised by the Trade Federation, the Utais and the Pau'ans, two intelligent...
Languages : Spanish, French
Amount : from €46.90 to €50.50
Star Wars: X-Wing - Skystrike Academy includes talented and loyal pilots such as Vult Skerris and Ciena Ree, with new abilities and upgrades based on their appearances in Star Wars: Rebels and Lost Stars. In addition to these pilots, players will also...
Languages : Spanish, French
Amount : from €44.90 to €50.50