Editions and Versions

I'm looking for a specific version of the game, because the theme or material is not necessarily the same.

Arkham Noir: Affaire #3 - Gouffres Insondables de Ténèbres

Arkham Noir is a solitaire card game inspired by the interconnected stories of H.P. Lovecraft and other authors, reimagined as crime novels. Each case is independent. The game consists of adding...

Arkham Noir is a solitaire card game inspired by the interconnected stories of H.P. Lovecraft...

Languages : French
Release Date : January 2022

Buy on Amazon €16.00
Arkham Noir: Affaire #2 - L'Appel du Tonnerre

Randolph Carter is sitting across from your desk. "The state police have strongly advised me to stay away from the mountains." One dead companion, two others missing and presumed dead; Carter...

Randolph Carter is sitting across from your desk. "The state police have strongly advised...

Languages : French
Release Date : August 2019

Buy on Philibert €5.22
Arkham Noir: Affaire #1 - Les Meurtres du Culte des Sorcières

Black Arkham is a solitary card game inspired by the interconnected stories of H.P. Lovecraft and other writers, who have been reshaped for the occasion in black novel investigations. Each case...

Black Arkham is a solitary card game inspired by the interconnected stories of H.P. Lovecraft...

Languages : French
Release Date : October 2018

Buy on Philibert €14.90