Ulule https://fr.ulule.com/set-a-watch/
French - Set a Watch was funded on the Crowdfunding Ulule (See the campaign) platform on the Dec 20, 2018, the campaign lasted 17 days. 554 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €2,500.00. Thanks to these 554 people the game could be funded up to €17,994.00, ~719.76%.
Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/228855/set-watch
English - The Kingdom is in grave danger. Powerful enemies are conspiring to resurrect the vile and powerful Unhallowed that your party has just slain. Now you, the mighty adventurers of the land, must visit these summoning locations and defeat the hordes of creatures behind this evil plot. It falls to four mighty adventurers, each of whom has a unique set of skills, to band together once more to vanquish this...
Ludovox https://ludovox.fr/jeu-de-societe/set-a-watch/
French - Maintenant, vous, les puissants aventuriers du pays, devez visiter ces lieux d'invocation et vaincre les hordes de créatures derrière ce complot diabolique. Il revient à quatre puissants aventuriers, chacun ayant un ensemble unique de compétences, de le bannir ensemble une fois de plus pour vaincre ce mal avant que les UnHallowed ne consomment le monde dans les ténèbres.