Game Expansions

Renew your games with one or more expansions. They enrich your board game. Warning about some expansions can not be played without owning the basic game.

Trek 12+1: Carnet de Voyage en Himalaya

Trek 12+1: Carnet de Voyage en Himalaya

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.5 - 15 Notes

Open the first page now and discover the adventure that awaits you! This expansion is based on the contents of a travel diary discovered during your stay at the Machapuchare Temple. It was lost...

Open the first page now and discover the adventure that awaits you! This expansion is based...

Languages : French
Product Code : LUM030TR

Buy on Amazon €11.19
Trek 12: Base Camp 2

Trek 12: Base Camp 2

2020 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.7 - 3 Notes

Carefully map the different zones, lay out rope paths and watch out for the most dangerous passages. Go on an expedition to the Himalayas to map the different zones of the mountain range and...

Carefully map the different zones, lay out rope paths and watch out for the most dangerous...

Languages : French
Product Code : LUM027TR

Buy on Philibert €7.50
Trek 12: Base Camp 1

Trek 12: Base Camp 1

2020 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.5 - 2 Notes

Carefully map the different zones, lay out rope paths and watch out for the most dangerous passages. Go on an expedition to the Himalayas to map the different zones of the mountain range and...

Carefully map the different zones, lay out rope paths and watch out for the most dangerous...

Languages : French
Product Code : LUM026TR

Out of Philibert €7.50