Gabriela Silveira, Artist board games. Illustrated 26 games (Bataille: Junior, Le Mistigri: Junior, Lucky Giraffe, Kitty Bitty, + 22 more)
Discover or rediscover the inimitable principle that makes Bazar Bizarre so successful and add a pinch of malice thanks to the magic hat. 5 miniatures are displayed on the table and a card is revealed. If the card represents one of the miniatures in...
Languages : French
Amount : from €17.90 to €41.12
The game of reflexes with the diabolical principle comes back to haunt you! Find the basic principle of the famous Bazar Bizarre and add a good dose of "weirdness" with nine miniatures and three illustrations per card. And if a clock and the ghost appear,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €15.90 to €26.50
A ghost arrives at the castle with new objects and she is determined to put even more the bazaar! The basic rule is the same as Bizarre Bazaar: Five miniatures of a certain color are arranged in front of you. Then, an Object card is returned. If one...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.90 to €17.40
There are 7 categories of objects and 7 objects per category. One card of each suit is placed face down in front of its category and then a random card from a deck is turned over. It is then the fastest player to indicate what the face-down card of the...
Languages : French
Release Date : March 2012
For wooden pieces, the bottle is green, the ghost is white, the armchair is red, the book is blue and the mouse is grey! But on the cards, all these colours are mixed... There are 2 objects on each card, and as soon as one of them is turned over, it's...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.39 to €17.00