Paolo Puggioni, Artist board games. Illustrated 9 games (La Légende des Cinq Anneaux: L'Empire..., La Légende des Cinq Anneaux: L'Outremonde, Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Rôle - Le..., Pathfinder: Le Jeu de Rôle - Boîte..., + 5 more)
The Emerald Empire is as vast and varied as the seven major clans that ruled it on behalf of Emperor Hantei. Its society is a reflection of Heaven. In this culture steeped in history and tradition, respect for customs and etiquette is a matter of life...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.50 to €49.95
Enter the land of evil. South of Rokugan lies the Outremonde, home to ghastly demons and supernatural creatures. Centuries ago, the Crab Clan built the gigantic Builder's Wall to contain these evil beings, who are constantly and mercilessly attacking...
Languages : French
Amount : from €38.69 to €39.95
Dragons are asleep, drowned in beer. It was the end of the Targaryen reign and the reason for Aerys the Fool. Understanding the gravity of the situation, a loyal vassal, the Red Intendant, decided to preserve the legacy of the next dragon to sit on the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €34.95
The powerful legions of the Bestiary 3 Pathfinder JdR come to life at your table with this overflowing box of counters representing more than 300 creatures for use in the Pathfinder role-playing game or any other fantasy JdR. Each token is printed on...
Languages : French
Amount : from €35.00 to €39.90
The night gathers, and here begins my shift... The great houses and their vassals play the eternal game of thrones, but Westeros does not lend itself to it. The men of the Night's Guard protected the immense Ice Wall, once built to contain the abominations...
Languages : French
Release Date : October 2013
Fire and blood.... George R.R. Martin's saga The Iron Throne has fascinated readers for over a decade and has just been successfully adapted into a television series. Thanks to the Iron Throne Role-playing Game, you too can now tell the legends of Westeros...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.95 to €579.17
Relegated to the rank of a mere legend by the youngest inhabitants of the City of the Lake, Smaug the Dragon descends from the Solitaire Mountain at the height of the night, when no one expected it. He is convinced that the inhabitants of the village...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.90 to €16.45
It seemed to them as if they had already walked endlessly to the roots of the mountain. They were more than tired, and yet they found no comfort in the thought of stopping anywhere. - The Fellowship of the Ring. The Long Darkness is an Adventure deck...
Languages : French
Release Date : June 2012
Westeros, a land where summer can last for years and winter a lifetime, a land where magic and dragons ruled. But now the dragons are dead and the magic with them, or at least that's what everyone thinks. It has only been a few years since Robert Baratheon...
Languages : French
Amount : from €39.95