The Strange: La Spirale Sombre
Complement for : The Strange
The Strange: La Spirale Sombre

Players: 2+Nb of players

96 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

Spiral powder is a wonderful, transcendental and orgasmic drug. This is what those who use it say, with their eyes wide open to reveal blue fractals instead of their irises. The consumption of spiral powder is on the increase. But why? Who is the Dust...

Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90 to €30.00

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Eminent Domain

2020 - (x)(x)(x)(x)() 3.9 - 26 Notes
Eminent Domain

2-4 PlayersBest of 3 players

45 MinPlaying time

Age: 10+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

Explore the galaxy to expand your Empire! Will you colonize the nearest planets or submit them by force? To enrich your business, produce resources! Search for new technologies to build the most successful Empire and win! Eminent Domain is an Empire...

Languages : French
Amount : from €23.50 to €35.00

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Eminent Domain
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Secrets de l'Empire
Complement for : Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Secrets de l'Empire

Players: 2+Nb of players

256 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

If I am pointed to a man without secrets, I will prove to you that it is either a corpse or a terrible threat to the status quo. - Otomo Banu. Rokugan's Major Clans, taken over by their own designs, rarely care about other groups in the Empire. And yet,...

Languages : French
Amount : from €39.95

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Complement for : Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Chroniques Impériales

Players: 2+Nb of players

312 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

To control the future, it is necessary to study the past. - The Tao of Shinsei The Imperial Chronicles recount the triumphs of the Emerald Empire and the noblest Emperors who participated in his glory. Written by loyal Miya and devoted Ikoma, they testify...

Languages : French
Amount : from €39.95 to €96.99

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Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Chroniques Impériales
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Les Clans Majeurs
Complement for : Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Les Clans Majeurs

Players: 2+Nb of players

304 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

The story of ten brothers and sisters who fell from Heaven and forever changed the fate of the mortal world ... The Emerald Empire has always known war and conflict, during its history shaped by eternal quarrels between brothers and sisters. The Major...

Languages : French
Amount : from €35.00 to €39.95

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Complement for : Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: L'Empire d'Émeraude

Players: 2+Nb of players

304 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

Contemplate the Emerald Empire in all its splendor! The Emerald Empire is a complete guide to Rokugan, designed to bring the Book of Five Rings universe to life. This book contains descriptions of many aspects of rokugani life, from politics to war to...

Languages : French
Amount : from €350.00

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Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: L'Empire d'Émeraude
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux

Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux

2011 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 13 Notes
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux

Players: 2+Nb of players

400 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

Blood. Honor. Steel. Welcome to the 4th Edition of the Epic Role-playing Game, The Book of the Five Rings! Join the ultimate adventure in Asian fantasy and play as samurai fighting each other for glory and honor while respecting the strict Bushido Code....

Languages : French
Amount : from €55.00 to €147.33

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Midnight: Aventures Fantastiques Dans un Âge de Ténèbres

Players: 2+Nb of players

452 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

A century has passed since the Shade fell on the world... In a dark and desperate universe, brave heroes face a fallen god of darkness who reigns on their territories, at the head of his horrible armies of orcs. Created for System d20, MIDNIGHT is an...

Languages : French
Amount : from €99.99

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Midnight: Aventures Fantastiques Dans un Âge de Ténèbres