Rolf Vogt

Rolf Vogt (Artist)

Rolf Vogt

Rolf Vogt, Artist board games. Illustrated 23 games (Die Villa der Vampire, Château Badabouh !, Parrattle, Mon Premier Carcassonne, + 19 more)

Château Badabouh !

Château Badabouh !

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.7 - 4 Notes
Château Badabouh !

2-4 PlayersNb of players

15 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

It's the big day, the race to the top of the tower is on! The little ghosts love the challenge and start climbing the steps, but beware! The old ruin is full of surprises. Stones regularly fall down and knock down anyone in their path. Keep your cool...

Languages : French
Amount : from €32.31 to €39.00

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2017 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 8 Notes

2-5 PlayersBest of 3 players

15 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

A stunned witch has lost his business in the forest, luckily little elves will help him find them before sunrise! In turn, team up with your neighbor to roll the witch to her goal. Skilfully press the corners of the board and ziiip it moves like magic....

Languages : French
Amount : from €12.90 to €38.00

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Trésor des Dragons

Trésor des Dragons

2015 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.3 - 83 Notes
Trésor des Dragons

2-5 PlayersBest of 3 players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

An excellent tactical memo game that combines memory with risk taking. All the tiles are on the table face down. In turn, a player can turn over as many cards as he wants. Figures are won by 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on the case, and not only in pairs....

Languages : French
Amount : from €17.90 to €25.00

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €20.58

2-4 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

Ghosts are born in eggs, it's well known! But beware, these strange ghosts can not hatch anywhere. Help the nice ghost Charlotte to bring back under her magic cape her precious ghosts to the haunted castle. But carry them with delicacy because they must...

Languages : French
Amount : from €30.90 to €34.92

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La Danse des Cafards

La Danse des Cafards

2014 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.1 - 2 Notes
La Danse des Cafards

2-6 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

It's the madness of disco in cockroaches! Each in turn quickly places a card and performs the indicated movement with its own noise. The rhythm is frantic, and players must stay in tempo without repeating the same action twice even if identical cards...

Languages : French
Amount : from €10.95 to €12.90

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Le Miroir Mystérieux

2014 - (x)(x)()()() 1.6 - 2 Notes
Le Miroir Mystérieux

2-4 PlayersNb of players

25 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

Some mischievous children have decided to explore the old haunted mansion. They enter the attic and suddenly a figure lights up the old mirror, as if by magic wand. But what do these glowing lines represent? Each player receives a magic ladder into which...

Languages : French
Amount : from €21.90 to €30.90

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Le Miroir Mystérieux
Le Labyrinthe Magique

Le Labyrinthe Magique

2013 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.6 - 100 Notes
Le Labyrinthe Magique

2-4 PlayersBest of 3 players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

Players must collect 5 items in the magic maze. Place the walls of the labyrinth and then try to memorize the course which is then covered by the game board! Each player chooses a magician and places himself at an angle of the board. Then he slips a...

Languages : French
Amount : from €32.00 to €39.90

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €36.64
Reimplemented By : Marie Magique

Linus, The Little Magician

2013 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 5 - 3 Notes
Linus, The Little Magician

2-5 PlayersNb of players

10 MinPlaying time

Age: 3+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

While exercising his powers, Linus, The Little Magician, has enchanted some of his toys! Can you help him pick up these toys from his bedroom floor and put them away? To set up Linus the Magician, you mix 18 magnetised toy tiles (three of each of six...

Languages : German, English, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €32.54

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Linus, The Little Magician
Mon Premier Carcassonne
Mon Premier Carcassonne

2-4 PlayersBest of 4 players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 4+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

This is a very special day in Carcassonne, a public holiday: sheep, chickens and oxen are traditionally released. All day, until dusk, the children of Carcassonne have a lot of fun catching animals again. This highly simplified version of the bestseller...

Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00 to €44.90

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €28.80
Reimplemented By : L'Escalier Hanté

Spooky Stairs

2009 - (x)(x)(x)(x)() 4 - 104 Notes
Spooky Stairs

2-4 PlayersBest of 4 players

15 MinPlaying time

Age: 4+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

In a lost land, a very old ghost haunts a ruined dungeon. A few reckless children silently climb the worn steps of the old staircase. Each one wants to be the first to scare the ghost with a loud "BOO! But the ghost knows this ancient game and has put...

Languages : German, English, French, Italian
Amount : from €36.99 to €53.56

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Spooky Stairs
La Course des Tortues

La Course des Tortues

2006 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 151 Notes
La Course des Tortues

2-5 PlayersBest of 3 players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

Strategic, original and clever game of track. Each player receives a secret tile that tells him the color of his turtle and 5 cards that will advance (+ or ++) or back (-) the turtle of the indicated color. When a turtle arrives on a busy square she...

Languages : French
Amount : from €15.90 to €25.00

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €24.75

La Nuit des Magiciens

2006 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 76 Notes
La Nuit des Magiciens

2-4 PlayersBest of 4 players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

At night, the magicians meet in the forest to prepare their magic potion in a cauldron, which they must then transport to the center of the magic ring. The game can be played in broad daylight, but gains mystery and suspense in the dark thanks to the...

Languages : French
Amount : from €40.00 to €45.00

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La Nuit des Magiciens