The Emerald Empire: The Guide to the Book of Five Rings, is a supplement that will allow both the Game Master and the players to reach their destination. You will find both a complete description of the different facets of Rokugani life - politics, war, trade, customs and traditions - as well as more precise points on the hierarchy within the Imperial Court or on the exotic treasures available on the Spice and Silk Islands.
This supplement contains: Dozens of reference tables and adventure ideas that the Game Master can use in his campaigns to add details about life in Rokugan.
A clear and systematic description of Rokygan's social and political hierarchy, so that you know who answers to whom in the Major Clans, the Minor Clans and the Imperial Court. This includes an exhaustive description of the Imperial positions and their respective duties.
The updated rules on vassal families for the Third Edition, as well as the description of 52 of them.
An appendix with more than 250 pre-drawn characters from Rank 1 to 5, classified by Clan and School, to allow the GM to easily incorporate NPCs into his campaign or to give players character ideas or character evolution.
The Emerald Empire is an essential supplement for MJs wishing to incorporate details on how Rokugani life works in their countryside in order to make it more alive. Players will also benefit from it as they will be able to understand more easily what is expected of their characters - or NPCs - in a specific situation, and more generally how the world around them defines their daily lives.
The Emerald Empire: The Guide to the Book of the Five Rings is first and foremost an encyclopedia of Rokugan's world, describing its specificities and generalities.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention the fact that this game is a complement and therefore cannot be used alone to play. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this add-on.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 272-page hardcover book in colour.