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161 / 394 - 4,727 results

Juduku: Révélations Explosives Règle


Pose au milieu de la table, un petit tas de cartes, faces cachées. Le joueur au QI le plus faible est désigné «Maître du Juduku». Il pioche une carte du tas et pose la question à son voisin de gauche (du coup, faut savoir lire !) qui a 8 secondes pour y répondre.

644.61 Ko - In French

Juicy Fruits Rulebook


Each of you has a small island paradise, where you make a living growing delicious fruit. Your goal is to gain the most points by supplying ships and by adding businesses to your island. Clever planning and timing is vital because until you supply the ships on your shores, they will block valuable island space which could be used to collect more fruit. But if you concentrate too much on the ships,...

1.52 Mo - In English

Jump Drive Rulebook


Players place cards to build their empires, discarding other cards to pay for them. Cards placed score every round, producing points and card draws. You must balance your income versus gaining points. The game ends once anyone has 50+ points. The player with the most points wins!

417.64 Ko - In English 1.77 Mo - In French

Jumping Cups Règle Multlingue


Vous jouez à tour de rôle. Quand vient votre tour de jeu, vous devez déplacer un gobelet vers vos cases d’arrivée. Il est interdit de passer son tour. Règles de déplacement. Vous ne pouvez déplacer qu’un seul gobelet à la fois. Il est interdit de déplacer une pile de gobelets.

946.89 Ko - In German 946.89 Ko - In English 946.89 Ko - In French 946.89 Ko - In Dutch 946.89 Ko - In Polish

Jumpkins Règle Multilingue


Forrest Jump et sa bande passent l’après-midi à traîner sur la prairie. Ils regardent avec envie la petite île au milieu de l’étang. Ce serait l’endroit idéal pour se détendre. Mais comment y parvenir ? Aucun d’entre eux ne peut voler. Les Jumpkins doivent trouver une autre solution. La mousse spongieuse pourrait faire office de trampoline, ou peut-être pourrait-on utiliser la souche d’arbre comme...

1.53 Mo - In German 1.53 Mo - In English 1.53 Mo - In French 1.53 Mo - In Dutch

Jumpy Jack Rulebook


To get three horses past the finishing line in the exact order in which you predicted them to arrive.

10.59 Ko - In English 10.89 Ko - In French

Jungle Logic Rulebook


Playing the game: Place the 9 tokens on the table and lay the challenge cards to one side. Take one challenge card and try to fill the grid with the 9 tokens, respecting the indications given: If an animal is already drawn on the grid, place one of the 3 tokens of that animal on the square. The indication (number + animal) on the margin of the grid indicates the exact number of tokens of that animal...

1.11 Mo - In English 1.11 Mo - In French

Jungle Rulebook


The lion, impetuous king, is feared by all animals. Tigers, panthers and wolves flee at his approach. Only the powerful elephant stands up to him. However, even the latter is not safe from danger, and it is against the rat, the most modest of creatures, that he is the most vulnerable ...

610.06 Ko - In English 579.69 Ko - In French

Jungle Speed Rulebook


In turn, players flip over the top card on their stack. Each round, the new card is flipped onto the previous round’s stack to create a face-up discard pile.

886.50 Ko - In English 833.87 Ko - In French

Jungle Speed: The Lapins Crétins Règle


Le totem est placé au milieu des joueurs. La figurine du Lapin Crétin™ est posée sur le totem. On distribue le plus équitablement possible les 80 cartes, faces cachées, entre tous les joueurs (les joueurs ne les regardent pas). Chaque joueur forme ainsi sa réserve.

1.03 Mo - In French

Junta Rulebook


Welcome to the beautiful island nation of La República de las Bananas, or as we’ll call it, Banana Republic, where the peaceful nighttime chirping of crickets is only interrupted by periodic exchanges of gunfire.

3.72 Mo - In English 12.11 Mo - In French

Jurassic Brunch Rulebook


Young Triceratopses are fond of the tasty leaves offered by the neighbouring pastures. To win, your Triceratops team will have to eat more leaves than your opponent’s team... unless one of you decides to call the ferocious and fast Raptor to get rid of all his opponent’s Triceratops!

2.79 Mo - In English 2.85 Mo - In French

161 / 394 - 4,727 results