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pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/fd/8f/a9-trambahn-rulebook.pdf
Munich at the end of the 19th century: the new tramway is successful and needs expansion. New routes are introduced, stations are built, and existing routes with high demand are reinforced with additional trains. Meanwhile, the technological progress requires some major changes: trains pulled by horses are replaced with steam-powered ones at first and later with electrical ones. Both players are competing...
1.13 Mo - In English 2.68 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/cf/ac/01-trains-rulebook.pdf
Can you build the greatest rail line in Japan? Now is your chance to find out! Trains is a deck-building game where you work to build the strongest system of rails throughout Tokyo or Osaka. Your cards not only allow you to buy other cards to tune your deck, but they will also allow you to build train stations and rail lines along the board, which are your key to victory!
2.94 Mo - In English 271.36 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/80/1a/c8-trails-rulebook.pdf
In TRAILS, players hike back and forth along the Trail. Each turn, you move your Hiker on the Trail to gather resources or take Photos. Along the way, you may gain bonuses from encountering Wildlife. At Trailhead and Trail End, you can turn in resources to earn Badges and begin your journey back in the other direction.
3.16 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/d2/2a/db-trails-of-tucana-rulebook.pdf
Tucana, a group of little known islands fi lled with peculiar creatures and signs of ancient cultures. The players will be planning a network of trails across the islands to help villagers travel between villages, and let them visit as many sights as possible. May the best planner win!
7.25 Mo - In English 1.31 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/4a/87/06-tragedy-looper-rulebook.pdf
Welcome to Tragedy Looper, a time-loop deduction board game. A Mastermind will unfold a mystery while the Protagonists try to figure out what is going on. This game is for 2-4 players, but the rules are written for 4 players: 3 Protagonists cooperating against 1 Mastermind. Rules for 2 and 3 players can be found on page 41.
5.91 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/c0/5e/f8-trafffic-regle.pdf
Tout le monde joue en même temps. Il faut être rapide! Au signal de départ, tous les joueurs cherchent sur le plateau trois voitures placées exactement comme sur une de leurs cartes. Quand un joueur trouve 3 voitures disposées comme sur une de ses cartes, il dit « Bip! Bip! ». Le jeu s’interrompt un bref instant. Le joueur montre aux autres sa carte et les trois voitures concernées, en prenant soin...
925.86 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/fe/19/3f-traders-of-osaka-rulebook.pdf
During the Edo period, higaki kaisen (trading ships) transported materials to Edo (now Tokyo), the center of political power in Japan. There, Fudasashi (brokers) would await the shipment of various specialty goods from Osaka, the mercantile center of Japan.
5.73 Mo - In English 6.00 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/f3/98/61-tous-sur-larche-regle.pdf
Il pleut depuis des heures ! Même, le sol est complètement détrempé. Noé décide d’inviter tous les animaux à se mettre à l’abri dans son arche. Chaque animal a le droit d’emporter une valise remplie de ses effets personnels. Mais quelle pagaille car toutes les valises sont éparpillées en désordre ! Pas si facile de retrouver la sienne ! Aidez Noé à faire monter les animaux et leur valise dans le navire...
3.29 Mo - In German 3.29 Mo - In English 3.29 Mo - In Spanish 3.29 Mo - In French 3.29 Mo - In Italian 3.29 Mo - In Dutchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/e8/ac/b1-tous-mes-animaux-regle.pdf
Vous n’êtes pas très sûrs de connaître ou reconnaître certains animaux ? Eh bien, faites vite plusieurs parties avec les cartes d’animaux et vous saurez à quoi chacun d’eux ressemble !
51.84 Ko - In German 51.84 Ko - In English 51.84 Ko - In Spanish 51.84 Ko - In French 51.84 Ko - In Italian 51.84 Ko - In Dutchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/a0/0c/d3-tous-a-lassaut-regle.pdf
Furieux de voir que leur roi s’est accaparé de tous les trésors qu’il garde dans son château, les chevaliers ont formé une alliance. Ils ont déjà préparé un plan pour récupérer ces trésors. Grimpant l’un sur l’autre, ils arrivent en haut du mur du château et, de là, sautent dans le château. Mais pour cela, ils ont besoin de votre aide.
1.59 Mo - In German 1.59 Mo - In English 1.59 Mo - In Spanish 1.59 Mo - In French 1.59 Mo - In Italian 1.59 Mo - In Dutchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/59/58/2d-tournoi-de-poneys-regle.pdf
Le jour du grand tournoi de poneys est enfi n arrivé ! Tous se sont bien entraînés pour être aujourd’hui les meilleurs dans les différentes disciplines. Qui remportera le plus de cartes de tournoi et sera déclaré vainqueur de ce tournoi ?
856.29 Ko - In German 856.29 Ko - In English 856.29 Ko - In Spanish 856.29 Ko - In French 856.29 Ko - In Italian 856.29 Ko - In Dutchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/43/d4/7c-tournay-rulebook.pdf
Built by the Romans uilt by the Romans during the first century in uring the first century in Belgian Gaul, Tournay elgian Gaul, Tournay experienced most of its growth along xperienced most of its growth along the Scheldt river. he Scheldt river. In 881, the Normans upstream conquered the city, squelching its magnifi cent boom. The Norman disaster forced the Tournaisians to fl ee what became an enormous...
1.93 Mo - In English 1.29 Mo - In French