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204 / 394 - 4,727 results

Man Muss Auch Gönnen Können Rulebook


The players build their card display by buying cards from the market as the game progresses. Bonus cards help to complete tasks on the scoring cards, which are needed to win. Only completed cards, however, will score a bonus or the victory points.

3.61 Mo - In English

Mansions of Madness: Call of the Wild Rulebook


Welcome to Call of the Wild, an expansion that takes Mansions of Madness into dark, untamed corners of the wilderness. The main feature of this expansion lies in its five revolutionary stories. Each story provides a startlingly unique experience.

1.06 Mo - In English 3.86 Mo - In French

Mansions of Madness: Forbidden Alchemy Rulebook


The one unbroken lamp in the ransacked laboratory illuminates a small, slug-like creature wriggling on a glass dish. The notes next to it are covered with a bizarre mix of mathematical formulae and arcane symbols. Suddenly, a thick stream of ichor falls across the notes from somewhere above you. Your blood chills as you unholster your revolver.

3.48 Mo - In English 1.09 Mo - In French

Mansions of Madness Rulebook


Mansions of Madness is a board game for two to five players in which one player takes on the role of the keeper and all other players take on the roles of investigators. During each game.

5.66 Mo - In English 6.41 Mo - In French

Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Beyond the Threshold Rulebook


Wilson’s shotgun clattered to the ground as the woman’s bulbous hand wrapped around his throat. Only a few hours earlier, he had been investigating on her behalf, but no recognition flickered in her eyes now. As his vision began to darken, a strange voice whispered in his ear and he struggled to remain conscious.

235.89 Ko - In English

Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Horrific Journeys Rulebook


The soft, repetitive clink of Agnes’ metal necklace caught Jim’s attention. She was fidgeting again. “Not much longer now,” his voice echoed. He barely made out the forms of Agnes and Trish where they crouched in the shipping crate.

1.87 Mo - In English

Mansions of Madness: Second Edition Rulebook


The moon loomed huge and awful in the sky. Rita was having second thoughts about the whole business, standing there alone under the eyes of the stars. The longer she stood there, looking up at the heavens, the further she saw, and the limitless gulf of infinity widened above her. She looked away, looked at the house sprawling on top of the hill, anything to avoid that awful moon, that impossible sky.

3.26 Mo - In English

Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Sanctum of Twilight Rulebook


Lily Chen’s fist passed harmlessly through the specter. The creature’s grotesquely elongated fingers slashed at her in return, but she moved around them like a river running around a stone. Her Wing Chun style could not affect the restless spirit before her, but Lily could not give up.

190.96 Ko - In English

Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Streets of Arkham Rulebook


Just a moment, suge, Marie told Diana, expertly flicking her boa over her shoulder with one hand while she autographed a fan’s postcard. The young woman was the last of a small crowd that had gathered outside the Nightingale’s stage door after the show. As she wandered off, clutching her card and smiling, Marie’s stage persona dropped. She looked tired.

1.05 Mo - In English

Ma Petite Coccinelle Règle


Le premier joueur lance le dé. Selon le résultat obtenu, effectuez l’une des trois actions décrites ci-dessous. Puis passez le dé au joueur de gauche. Il devient alors le joueur actif et le lance à son tour.

1.36 Mo - In French

Ma Petite Maison: Montessori Règle


Ma Petite Maison Montessori est un dispositif didactique efficace pour l’acquisition de l’autonomie, de la confiance en soi et de l’estime de soi. Il s’inspire de la théorie Montessori selon laquelle le jeu, lorsqu’il est agréable, actif et spontané est susceptible de favoriser le développement d’une multitude d’habiletés et de compétences telles que l’identité personnelle, la créativité, l’intuition,...

454.38 Ko - In French

Ma Première Collection de Jeux: Petits Musiciens Règle


Dans le jeu libre, votre enfant se familiarise avec les accessoires du jeu. Jouez avec lui ! Découvrez ensemble les illustrations. Parlez-lui de ce que l’on voit sur les deux faces du plateau de jeu et sur les différentes plaquettes. Vous stimulez ainsi son langage, son vocabulaire et son attention.

1.38 Mo - In German 1.38 Mo - In English 1.38 Mo - In French 1.38 Mo - In Dutch

204 / 394 - 4,727 results