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203 / 394 - 4,727 results

Make 'N' Break: Circus Règle


En piste ! Les courageux dompteurs vous dévoilent leurs derniers numéros de fauves. Les dompteurs s’affrontent à chaque fois en duel : celui qui pense avoir reconstitué la figure le premier s’empare de la boîte de nourriture. Si sa figure est correcte, il gagne une récompense !

179.64 Ko - In German 179.64 Ko - In French 179.64 Ko - In Italian 179.64 Ko - In Dutch

Make 'N' Break: Extreme Rulebook


Make'n'break extreme is an action and construction game for 2 to 4 players. It is composed of 10 different shapes of different colours, a stopwatch, objective cards, tokens of values 1 and 10 and a dice 3. The objective cards will be discovered one by one to the active player, the architect, who will have to make them as soon as possible.

580.86 Ko - In English 1.26 Mo - In French

Make 'N' Break: Junior Rulebook


Make'n' Break by Ravensburger, a superb family game that tests your architectural skills. Under the pressure of the stopwatch, each player tries to make as many crazy constructions as possible as indicated on the challenge cards. In this new Make n' Break, you now build with a different partner each round, and more than 150 new challenges await you, plus 5 variants. A game both educational and of...

289.40 Ko - In English 399.92 Ko - In French

Make 'N' Break: Mini Rulebook


For stable construction, playing on a flat surface is recommended. Use paper and pencil to record the scores. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in the middle of the table. The youngest player will start the game as the architect. Place the bricks in front of them and the deck to one side so that it can be reached comfortably. The player on their left will be the timekeeper - the die is used...

7.94 Ko - In English 4.80 Mo - In German 4.80 Mo - In French 4.80 Mo - In Italian 4.80 Mo - In Dutch

Make 'N' Break Rulebook


Before playing for the first time, carefully punch out the scoring chips from the board. Shuffle the deck of building plans and place it face-down in the middle of the table. Place the scoring chips and building blocks next to the draw deck. Space should also be reserved for a card discard pile.

41.34 Ko - In English 10.34 Ko - In French

Maki Stack Règle Multilingue


Les joueurs font la course pour empiler les sushis aussi vite que possible. Ils doivent réaliser l’empilement imposé par la carte défi, et en fonction du mode de jeu, doivent porter un masque ou utiliser leurs doigts comme des baguettes ! La première équipe à réaliser le défi remporte la carte : les premiers à avoir 6 cartes remportent la partie.

843.40 Ko - In German 843.40 Ko - In English 843.40 Ko - In Spanish 843.40 Ko - In French 843.40 Ko - In Italian 843.40 Ko - In Dutch 843.40 Ko - In Portuguese 843.40 Ko - In Russian

Maman, à Table ! Règle


A chaque maman, son bébé et son aliment préféré ! Les enfants assemblent des puzzles simples composés de 3 pièces et apprennent à reconnaître les animaux représentés ainsi que leurs aliments préférés. Une fois les mini-puzzles assemblés, le parent peut prolonger l’activité en demandant à son enfant de reconnaître les différents animaux et les aliments dont ils se nourrissent en lui posant des questions...

242.34 Ko - In French

Mamma Mia! Rulebook


Here is a Pizza Salami, here is a Pizza Bombastica. And then, the cheese, when does it happen? Players put their pizza toppings on the table. From time to time an order is added on the fly - is it good? ... or maybe not? Mamma Mia is a simple card game but full of resources that makes you want to chain the parties.

568.04 Ko - In English 173.84 Ko - In French

Mammut Rulebook


After the mammoth hunt, the hunters must share the prey. Each player tries to get hold of a share as big as possible. Action cards play an important role in achieving this goal. After the portions have been allotted, they are scored. The player with the most victory points is the winner of the game.

549.64 Ko - In English 558.34 Ko - In French

Mana Rulebook


The red player positions the gameboard in front of him choosing which one of the 4 edges he will face. Then he places his 6 pieces in any spaces of his choice located in his first two lines. Yellow places his own pieces in the same manner.

37.03 Ko - In English 68.94 Ko - In French

Mandala Stones Rulebook


Welcome to Mandala Stones, a game of tranquility and beauty! Arrange colorful stones to create a stunning work of art together with your friends. However, while there are many creators, there can be only one winner.

3.29 Mo - In English 2.80 Mo - In French

Mandragora Rulebook


So you've told him to clean out these shops, bringing you the ingredients and spellbooks necessary to unleash the most powerful curses against your rivals! Assuming that scatterbrain thinks to grab the mandrakes, and not to touch the cursed scrolls...

1.23 Mo - In English 1.25 Mo - In French

203 / 394 - 4,727 results