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200 / 394 - 4,727 results

Mada Règle Multilingue


Marquez le plus de points avec les figues de barbarie qui sont indiquées sur les cartes. Soyez celui ou celle qui en a le plus lorsqu'un·e joueur·euse gagne une 5ème carte.

877.99 Ko - In German 877.99 Ko - In English 877.99 Ko - In Spanish 877.99 Ko - In French 877.99 Ko - In Italian 877.99 Ko - In Dutch

Madeira Rulebook


Madeira is an island officially discovered early in the 15th century by Portuguese seafarers. Madeira, the Portuguese word for wood, refers to the dense forest that covered its wild, fertile landscape. This, and its strategic position far into the Atlantic Ocean made the island one of the most significant Portuguese discoveries.

2.13 Mo - In English 4.79 Mo - In French

Mad Trip Règle


Une bande d’amis décide d’aller camper dans une forêt sombre et mystérieuse. En plein milieu de la nuit, un bruit effrayant les réveille.

738.96 Ko - In French

Maeshowe: An Orkney Saga Rulebook


According to the Orkneyinga Saga, Jarl Rögnvald Kali Kolsson broke into the chambered tomb of Maeshowe, on Orkney, in AD 1150. In AD 1153, Jarl Harald Maddadsson and a group of his men sheltered there during a snowstorm. The sagas tell us that Rögnvald found treasure there and that two of Harald’s men went mad. When the Victorians opened the tomb in 1861, they found runic graffiti demonstrating that...

3.58 Mo - In English 3.51 Mo - In French

Mafia de Cuba Rulebook


The day was good: the double bottom of his cigar box is filled with diamonds. The phone rings: President Batista wants to talk with him ... The godfather entrusts his box to his followers. When he returns, diamonds are missing. Who stole them? To him to lead the investigation!

1.04 Mo - In English 1.49 Mo - In French

Mafiozoo Rulebook


Mafiozoo immerses you in the heart of the mafia where each player will embody a mafia who wants to become a freedman ...

2.59 Mo - In English 2.68 Mo - In French

Mage Knight Board Game Complete Rules Reference


Prepare. a. Flip Day/Night Board. b. Reroll mana dice (reroll black/gold until half show basic colors). c. New Unit offer. i. Discard to corresponding decks. ii. Deal new equal to players + 2. iii. If no core tiles deal regular only, else alternate first Elite and then Regular.

408.52 Ko - In English

Mage Knight Board Game Rulebook


The Mage Knight board game puts you in command of one of the four powerful Mage Knights to explore (and defeat) an isolated territory of the Mage Knight universe under the control of the Atlantean Empire.

6.77 Mo - In English 8.24 Mo - In French

Mage Knight: Jeu de Plateau FAQ


Mage Knight: Jeu de Plateau FAQ.

1.32 Mo - In French

Magellan: Elcano Rulebook


September 20, 1519. The activity on the deck is frantic. Sailors run from side to side, loading the final batch of supplies. On the royal stand, set up in the harbour, the preparation is intense. The King has arrived to watch the fleet set sail: five mighty ships, commanded by five shrewd captains, whose intelligence will be put to the test in the years to come. The cannons’ roar, giving the departure...

485.88 Ko - In English 1.40 Mo - In French

Mage Noir Rulebook


When playing Mage Noir, you can grow plants in an instant, raise towering waves from still seas, harness the might of the wind, and invoke the destructive force of fire. You are a Mage, a member of a secret society that has existed in our world through the ages. You’ll learn to combine spells to master the elements and unleash them on your foes.

5.43 Mo - In English 5.29 Mo - In French

Magic Hat Rulebook


Place all of the magic hats in the centre of the table with the bottom side down, so that the inside is hidden. Place the 6 animal cards face up in a row to one side. Place the magic hat and magic wand tokens to one side.

698.96 Ko - In English 699.74 Ko - In French

200 / 394 - 4,727 results