English - Dragon Keeper was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Feb 3, 2016, the campaign lasted 28 days. 909 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €10,000.00. Thanks to these 909 people the game could be funded up to €22,009.00, ~220.09%.
English - In those primitive times when men and dragons were enemies, former adventurers left their original guilds to serve a dragon. They protect him from the repeated assaults of adventurers attracted by his fabulous treasure, buried in the basement of the castle. What if there were more than gold to protect?
French - En ces temps reculés où les hommes et les dragons sont ennemis, d'anciens aventuriers ont quitté leur guilde d'origine pour se mettre au service d'un dragon. Ils le protègent des assauts répétés d'aventuriers, attirés par son fabuleux trésor enfoui dans les sous-sols du château. Et s'il y avait plus que de l'or à protéger ?